

For dry eyes: Artificial tears are available "over-the-counter"at any drug
store. Multidose bottles contain a preservative --usually benzylkonium
chloride--which may be irritating or to which you are likely to become
sensitive or even allergic if you use it often, e.g. hourly+. Non-preserved
formulations are preferable, usually marked "PF" for preservative free, and
come in little "single" dose packets containing only 3-4 drops, that can be
used for a few applications over a short period of time.  Thus, if you are
reading for an hour or so, have a packet next to you and put in one drop
every 20 minutes or so - or every time the eyes burn and the vision starts to
blur.  Then blink, blink, blink  [like running the windshield wipers after
squirting window cleaner on your windshield] .