

This is a follow-up to an earlier post (then unconfirmed) about the
possible role of melatonin and ovarian cancer.  I am still trying to
obtain more information on this subject.



------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:14:14 +1100 (EST)
From:          John Savage <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:       Re: melatonin -> ovarian cancer

On I posted:
>Australian government health authorities have issued a public warning
>that they believe melatonin can cause ovarian cancer.

I'll post again if I can find out more details of that warning.

Meanwhile, here's an extract from a Letter to the Editor (SMH, Jan 20,'97):

   I'm concerned that NSW appears to permit the unregulated sale of the
   hormone melatonin in doses with would result in blood levels far above
   the normal. [...]
   Melatonin is a moderator of other hormones, especially in sexual organ
   functions. [...] unusual fluctuations in these hormones are associated
   with cancerous changes in reproductive organs.
   It was not surprising then to find, during research into melatonin for
   my PhD, that the most published investigations in this area found, in
   a study of mammals, that chronic administration of melatonin to young
   adult females did not retard aging but resulted in early death owing
   to development of a high incidence of tumors, primarily in the re-
   productive tract. [...]
   Low-risk doses of melatonin may be available by prescription in the
   future. For now, however, people might be better-advised to exercise,
   relax, and follow recommended diets.
                                           Mary MacGibbon, Clovelly.


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