

Some users want some sample application source from an old SGI cdrom
for another project.  The source is in an inst format file.  I can't
install it because (1) it would overrride the newer version and (2) the
*software* on the cd is incompatible with this machine or IRIX version. 
I can get around (1) to some extent by using the -r option to inst, although
it seems to open a can of worms about prerequisites, but inst provides no
apparent way of getting around (2).

Do any of you know how to win a fight with inst (I know it has the system's
best interests at heart...) or how to unpack an inst format file or even
a definition of inst format?

Beverly Erlebacher <[log in to unmask]>		Office: SF2112
CSLab Systems Administrator			Phone: 416-978-1979
University of Toronto				Fax:   416-978-4765
Toronto, Ontario Canada