

Ivan Suzman  47/10  Portland, of lighthouses/le pays des

On Sun, 2 Feb 1997 13:40:32 -0500 Forrests Mom <[log in to unmask]>

>    Ivan, I am truely happy that you have discovered the benefits of =
>NADH, my father has seem much looseing up of his legs and he has only=
>begun to take the enzyme. He has seen minor improvement not nearly as=
> much
>as the NADH, but some with Coenzyme Q-10.
>    If you would like to increase the benefits of the NADH, then go t=
>o your
>health food store and get a bottle of digestive enzymes, take them fo=
>r about
>7 to 10 days, they will improve your bodys abilitiy to digest stored =
>and vitamins that your body has not been able to digest, plus it help=
>s the
>NADH to pass the blood brain barrier more effectively.

Hi, Linda Forrests's Mom,

I am hoping to make NADH work as well as possible.  SO, in reference to
what you have posted to the list:

Can you tell us more about the digestive enzymes, i.e., does your father
take them?   Any particular combo?   I am younger than most PWP's ( 47)
and quite active--do others out there who are younger onset (YOPWP's)
need these enzymes?

If my metabolism is fast enough, I don't want  to spend more money on
more tablets.   Isn't most Parkinson's-related advice based on models of
patients with slowed-down digestion?

I still roar around town..........
THANK YOU for your support.

P.S.  Did I just coin a strange new creature, the  "Yopwp?"

19 deg. Arctic and icy  Wish  I were in western