

In my "lay" opinion, I understand Parkinson's Syndrome is used very loosely
when a diagnosis is uncertain, when it could be something like PD but of
the "Parkinson's Plus" variety. Often it is the GP who gives the "syndrome"
tag when he/she doesn't want to scare the person with the name of PD. It is
a little like being a bit pregnant... Then again, there are those groups
who don't like PD being called a "disease" and call it a "syndrome."  It
may turn out that those who begin with a Parkinson's "Syndrome" diagnosis
turn out to have PSP or MSA -- or just plain old PD with all its  versions.
Some study from the UK showed that approx 20 percent of diagnoses of PD are
incorrect - but one can only be sure after death and the brain is studied.
Does this help?  I may be wrong.
Joy Graham