


Dear Friends:

I promised you a report on my visit with the specialist at The U. of Texas
Health Science Center. And that's exactly what I'll do on February 20.

"Why, Feckless Stan," I hear you ask, "wasn't your appointment set for

You're right. Unfortunately, I had to cancel at the last minute because I was
involved in a major traffic accident on a notorious Houston freeway. (In
police/accident lingo,  "major" means someone is injured. Luckily, it wasn't
me. But the woman driving the little foreign car I hit broke her arm.)

<collective buzz from members> "Wait a minute, Hapless Stan. Did you just say
'the little foreign car I hit'?"

You got that right. And when I hit another car, I don't do a half-ass job of
it. I do my best to destroy my car.  Score: small foreign car = a few
scratches on read bumper. My large Bonneville = front fenders, hood,
radiator, headlights, foglights, grill, front bumper, assorted expensive
dohickies hooked to the motor plus lots of complicated stuff I couldn't see.
All gone. <wipes tear from eye> The service rep at the Pontiac dealership
told me it will take at least two weeks to put my poor Bonneville back
together again.

Actually, I'm surprised I did not suffer any injuries. I rammed that foreign
sucker doing about 35 - 40 mph after the driver came to an almost complete
stop in front of me.  And guess what? My air bag didn't inflate. It's a good
thing. I sit so close to the steering wheel, they probably would still be
trying to scrape me out of the seat if the bag  had popped out.

In case you're wondering, the accident was not -- REPEAT, WAS NOT -- caused
by the Parkinson's. My meds were going full blast. I just didn't have enough
room to stop before hitting the other car.

Oh,well,.another weird day for me. Now I must wait  two weeks before talking
to this specialist about my recent problems.  Guess I'll just have to write a
lot while I'm waiting.

I could sure use a bunch of haps and fecks tonight.

Stan Houston
Cat Spring TX 78933
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