

On Sat, 1 Feb 1997 00:44:33 -0500 Sue J <[log in to unmask]> writes:
. . . .

>I've thought of trying to figure out a way to print out these email
>to pass along to my mom but haven't come up with a solution I think
>she would
>find readable yet.  Any suggestions?  Or any objections?
. . . .

I found that the best (though not necessarily the easiest) way to print
out messages for my father was to

a) open the file containing the messages in a word processing program (or

b) delete all of the headers except for date, sender, and subject

c) delete all mesages you do not want in their entirety

d) set a larger font size (from 18 to 24 usually worked for us)

e) print

It sometimes helps to sort and print the messages by subject.  Eudora,
for example, allows sorting by subject.  In some cases, I have manually
sorted the messages, in others I have not sorted at all.  It didn't seem
to matter to Dad.
