

I found this abstract from the Fourth International Congress of Movement
Disorders, Vienna, June 1996. It can be located in the journal "Movement
Disorders", Vol. 11, Supplement 1, 1996 (paper 725, p. 194). What follows
is my slight reduction of the abstract, without some of the stats.

Clinical Improvement of Parkinsonian symptoms after parenteral application
of NADH.
W Kuhn et al, Department of Neurology, St Josef Hospital, Ruhr-University
of Bochum Gudrunstr. 56, 44791 Bochum (?)
Reduced coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) may stimulate
endogenous biosynthesis of L-Dopa (Vrecko, K et al. J Neural Transm Park
Dis Dement Sect 1993; 5 (2): 147-156) and therefore may represent a new
therapeutic approach to PD (Birkmayer, JG et al Acta Neurol Scand Suppl
1993; 146: 32-35).
Material and Methods: To test the clinical potential of a newly developed
pharmaceutical preparation (Mattern & Partner, Germany), NADH was
intravenously applied over a period of 7 days (10mg/500ml 0.9% NaCl per
day, infusion time 8am to 9am) in 14 advanced stages ...of
PD.  Mean duration of PD was 7.5 to 9.0 years. The clinical symptoms were
scored by using the Unified PD Ratings Scale (UPDRS).  The mean UPDRS score
at day 0... was significantly higher [I guess this means worse] than after
application of i.v.NADH over 7 days.
Conclusion: Parenteral application of NADH may be of therapeutic value in
PD and should further be investigated in double-blind, placebo-controlled