

This message is in response to Don and his bowling.

You won my admiration.  Sounds like you're a live wire despite
Parkinson's.  We do the bumper bowling.  Do you have that at your
bowling lanes?  Long inflated tubes are placed in the gutters and the
balls just bounce off them.  For those of us who aren't concerned with
perfecting our "professional" game, it's great fun.


You wrote:
>i have had pk for 25 years. have a 3 weell cart lift chair,bed.cane. 2
>a go i dicied to  bowl again. got a 9lb ball. use my cane and stand at
>line to bowl. my hi game is 50 but i tried. take up 7 diff. pills 3
times a
>day. no need to tell you only your dr. can. so don't give up. i had my
>buss. for 25 72 years young. music will help you dance. i do
>too. fall a lot just get up and go on. if you need any help. let me
know. i
>also get deprest a lot. but what the heck, don't lot of people do. so
>for help or some crazy advice. god is up there. [log in to unmask]
>long and good luck don I.Y.Q.