

Jet lag - what is it, who gets it, and how to reduce it with No-Jet-Lag. 10 files.

   1.Jet lag - what is it?

   2.Jet lag - what causes it?

   3.Who gets jet lag?

   4.Techniques for reducing jet lag

     This is one of the most important aspects of combating jet lag.
     Before departing, make sure you have all your affairs, business
     and personal, in order. Ensure you are not stressed-out with
     excitement or worry, and not tired or hungover from a function
     the night before. Get plenty of exercise in the days prior to
     departure and try to avoid sickness such as the flu, colds and so
     on. If you have a cold, flying will probably make it worse -
     ideally you should delay the trip. Get a good night's sleep just
     prior to departure.

    East or west?
     There is much debate about whether it is better to fly eastward
     or westward. It may be largely a matter of personal preference,
     but there is some evidence that flying westwards causes less jet
     lag than flying eastwards.

    Night or day flight?
     Again it is largely a matter of personal preference based on
     experience. Most travellers think daytime flights cause less jet

    Drinking fluids
     The dry air in aircraft causes dehydration. Drinking plenty of
     non-alcoholic fluids counters this. Water is better than coffee,
     tea and fruit juices. Alcohol not only is useless in combating
     dehydration, but has a markedly greater intoxicating effect when
     drunk in the rarefied atmosphere of an airliner than it does at
     ground level.

    Sleeping aids
     Blindfolds, ear plugs, neckrests and blow-up pillows are all
     useful in helping you get quality sleep while flying. Kick your
     shoes off to ease pressure on the feet (some airlines provide
     soft sock-like slippers, and many experienced travellers carry
     their own).

     Get as much exercise as you can. Walking up and down the aisle,
     standing for spells, and doing small twisting and stretching
     exercises in your seat all help to reduce discomfort, especially
     swelling of legs and feet. Get off the plane if possible at
     stopovers, and do some exercises or take a walk. Also helps to
     reduce the possibilities of blood clots and associated trauma.

     During extended stopovers on a long-haul flight, showers are
     sometimes available. A shower not only freshens you up but gets
     the muscles and circulation going again and make you feel much
     better for the rest of the flight. Trans-Pacific pilots have told
     us taking a shower in Hawaii helps them recover more quickly from
     the general effects of jet lag after the flight.

     This is a safe and effective remedy for countering jet lag, in
     the form of easy-to-take tablets. Its effectiveness has been
     proved in a scientific trial of round-the-world passengers and
     confirmed by long-haul flight attendants in a test conducted in
     cooperation with their union. Being a homeopathic preparation
     using extremely low dosages, No-Jet-Lag has no side effects and
     is compatible with other medications. It has no connection with
     the controversial hormone melatonin. No-Jet-Lag is available
     worldwide by mail order, and is sold at outlets such as
     international airports, pharmacies and travel stores in Europe,
     North America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

     This is a controversial and complex treatment for jet lag. A full
     description of its effects is available from this link. Melatonin

    Sleeping Pills
     Some people use this to try to alleviate jet lag. This is a
     dangerous approach as a report in the Lancet in 1988 says
     "estimated that over three years at Heathrow Airport, 18% of the
     61 sudden deaths in long distance passengers were caused by clots
     in the lungs." Sleeping pills induce a comatose state with little
     or no natural body movement. Imagine leg veins as bags of blood.
     When this blood doesn't circulate there is a possibility that it
     will clot.

5.No-Jet-Lag brochure

   6.Flight attendants survey on jet lag and No-Jet-Lag

   7.Scientific trial of No-Jet-Lag

   8.Technical specifications for No-Jet-Lag

   9.Where you can buy No-Jet-Lag

  10.Linkages to other travel related sites


You're Reading TravelASSIST MAGAZINE

                     Coping with Jet Lag

                             By Larry Benedict

After years of study, and continued suffering, jet lag, like the
common cold is still with us. It is so prevalent that many studies are
on-going and several books have been written to advise jet passengers
on dealing with it. A few things are finally known and most
researchers agree on a number of causes and remedies.

We have learned that the human body functions in accordance with a
sensitive and complex internal clock that sets up circadian rhythms.
Our environment and our habits provide the timing for these rhythms
and act in concert, producing our daily physical schedule. Jet travel,
however, takes us across time zones, on transmeridian flights, far too
swiftly for this body clock to adjust.

We do have a number of answers, some common sense, others are the
result of hotels looking for ways to lure customers and accommodate
their guests. These are in addition to the numerous medical studies
conducted by MIT and other respected facilities world wide.

One interesting finding, resulting from in-flight studies where
control groups were given placebos, have indicated that an
over-the-counter substance called melatonin works to reduce the
effects of jet lag. Melatonin is a hormone that our bodies secrete
into the blood stream when its time to sleep. The release is governed
by the absence of light as well as the timing of our meals. (For this
reason it is important to take melatonin pills not during flight but
at night-fall once you reach your destination). Melatonin is a potent,
free-radical scavenger and like other antioxidants, such as vitamin C,
it protects against aging. In the laboratory it has been shown to
enhance the immune system and retard the growth of certain tumors.

Light suppresses melatonin but at nightfall the body releases it
making you sleepy. Melatonin levels start to rise at the onset of
night and peak around twelve midnight. From there the levels drop off
until morning.

The pills are available over-the-counter and in health food stores but
have not yet received official FDA approval. Certain studies showed
that males given melatonin were able to sleep within five to six
minutes, while men given a placebo took twenty minutes fall asleep or

While the disruption of the body clock is the true meaning of jet lag,
many other factors associated with jet travel contribute to the
overall problem. Dealing with them will significantly reduce the
effects of the condition.

The avoidance of alcohol before and during flights is a recognized way
to reduce the consequences of jet lag. According to Diana Fairchild in
her widely acclaimed book Jet Smart alcohol
is a diuretic which means that it squeezes water from cells, the same
way that coffee does. Since dehydration is one of the major problems
of airline flight for the passenger, drinking these two substances
should be avoided.

Also, alcohol is a depressant and disrupts the clarity of the brain.
These facts contribute to the general feeling of jet lag and extend
the period required for the body to adjust to the new time zone.

Other factors, besides alcohol and coffee, affect dehydration. The
dryness of the airline cabin saps the body of fluids and for those
with a fear of flying, anxiety also causes the body to dehydrate. This
can be countered by drinking plenty of water during the flight and, as
Diana Fairchild writes, a long bath in your hotel room will help
return your body moisture level to normal.

Bangkok's new Oriental Hotel offers a full spa treatment to help cure
jet lag that includes hydrotherapy, a papaya body polish and a
massage, to unknot muscles cramped from hours in an airline seat.
Finally, spa cuisine replaces lost body vitamins in gourmet style.
Oriental Hotel, Bangkok, 48 Oriental Avenue, Bangkok Thailand 10500;
Phone: 800 526-6566

The Oriental hotel is not the only hotel addressing jet lag in a
variety of ways. Numerous hotels offer rooms designed to combat jet
lag. These circadian suites are enormously complex involving timed
blackout curtains full spectrum artificial lighting to simulate day
and room service that provides meals for all times of day that are
available round the clock. You can order steak dinner at seven a.m. or
a full breakfast at nine p.m. The rooms are not cheap, costing as much
as $265 a night but for the executive, who's come half way round the
world to close an important deal, it's worth it.

Circadian Travel Technologies has designed rooms for fine hotels
including the Tudor in New York, the Grand Hyatt in Taipei and the
Rembrandt in London. For more information contact Circadian Travel
Technologies at 800 538-4843.

Here's a short list of jet lag tips that can work in concert to
alleviate many of the symptoms:
   Do stretching exercises in your seat to avoid cramped muscles. Walk
   around the cabin during your flight. Yawn or chew gum to avoid
   pressure build-up in the ears. Avoid alcohol and coffee before and
   during your flight. Carry drinking water with you and drink an 8
   ounce glass each hour. Wear comfortable clothes, especially shoes.
   Be well rested before you leave. Make sure your pre-flight diet
   contains plenty of starch, carbohydrates and greens. You might
   check out melatonin. While not officially approved in the US, the
   British Medical
Journal was favorably impressed.
   Set your watch to the time of your destination before you board.
   Arrange in-flight meals to reflect the time-of-day at your
   destination. Eliminate stress and anxiety as much as possible from
   your journey.

A last piece of advice which may seem terribly simple but is seldom
observed is to plan your post-flight schedule with the understanding
that some jet lag will occur. If you can control the timing of a
meeting, try to schedule it as close as possible to a time when your
body's feeling wide awake.

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