

This is another reminder for all of us of the need to tAKE into account
the effect of stress on PWPs, especially in a situation such as hospitalization
Yesterday, Peter went to the ER for  test and was admitted for observation.
He saw a specialist. He had the test. He decided not to stay for further
testing(optional) but go home and think about it, and the specialist said
OK. There was no problem with his meds, as I was there the whole time, and
he was not given anything new.  However, instead of being released by the
internist who admitted him as expected--would have been about 5:30 PM--we
waited and waited. Then were informed the doc would be there "8:30 or 9:00".
By 9:30 he hadn't appeared, and the nurses, while sympathetic, could do
nothing, of course.  By chance I spotted one of his colleagues who knew us, and
 told him the situation which was that Peter, who had walked in at 8AM under
his own power was now so stressed and shaky he couldn't stand up! He said
at once, "Well let's get him HOME!" and proceeded to sign the release form.
Bless the man!!  I had to call our son-in-law to drive to our place and help
me get Peter into the house, where he almost immediately was better.  The
effect of all the stress and worry was so noticeable, and couldn't be blamed on
 anything  else. So please, be prepared for such a reaction when a PWP is
hospitalized -- and recognize what may be the cause of the scary increase in
symptoms temporarily-- knowing the cause helps both the PWP and the CG to cope,
when things spin out of your control.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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