

Jon,                                     2/6/97  1:49pm
   Please forgive my late response but I'm still playing catch-up due to my
not paying much attention to the Digest over the last month or so.
   You raise the question about dopamine agonists and whether you could
expect the same results with other agonists as you did with Permax.I've had
experience with Permax [which I've taken the past two years at a rate
currently of .25mgs x 4/day] and with Parlodel[ Bromocriptine] PERMAX'S
They are both dopamine agonists and both are  Ergot Derivatives. If I
recall correctly Permax is said to be about 1000 times as strong as
Bromocriptine but you would not have thought so had you seen my reaction to
it. A major disaster both physically and emotionally and this was after
only a couple of doses. But my system handled Permax just fine. So to
answer your question, NO you should not expect the same results although
you may well get it. AH. The beauty of Parkinsons!


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                  AMAZING GRACE

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see