

Marvin, dear... only TWO persons on this list have the RIGHT to keep you from
posting.. One is Barb Patterson, the list owner, and the other is YOU.

Barb WON'T (will ya, Barb?) stop you, and you SHOULDN'T stop!

In my opinion, you're a very definite asset to this group.  Your words have
reached out across the miles many times and with gentle wit or stark and
painful simplicity have touched me as few on the list can do.

Please don't let others selfishly still your words by censoring them and
silencing you.  By giving them that power over you, that opens the door to

Marvin... DON'T give in. DON'T be intimidated.  And DON'T be SILENT!

With love to you....

Barb Mallut
"Lil_Honey" on the PD Chat
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