

   My name is Germaine, (67yrs). Last year, my husband Bill (68yrs) was
diagnosed with "parkinsonism" (Is that the same as a little bit pregnant?)
The neurologist said it wasn't PD because Bill only had tremors in his left
hand, sometimes transmitted to the right hand, but his physical shape was
excellent, no weakness in muscles, etc.

At first, Bill's manner changed: he was shuffling, his arms just hung down
and his head was bowed when he walked. I watched all this happening, Bill
turning into an "old man" before my eyes. (And I wasn't willing to be
married to an old man, not yet.) That's when I dragged Bill to the doctor
and said, What gives?

Now Bill takes one Sinemet CR 200/50 every morning. There's some
improvement. Certainly no more shuffling, etc. But he has trouble putting
his thoughts into words. His speech is slow. I feel more should be done, but
his doctor says he's happy with the results.(!)

I joined the list because I need support and can't get it here. We retired
to a small coastal town in Nova Scotia, 3 years ago. In perfect health. But
being "from away", it's not easy to be accepted by the locals, and I just
hunger for a good old chat, with a friend, over a cup of tea. The list is
the next best thing, believe me.

Thanks for listening,