

Hi Stan
You say your symptoms are much more toublesome in the two plus weeks
since you retired.  Very worrying.

It could be quite easily caused by stress--
I know, you're retired, you didn't start a new job. But any sudden change
can cause  your  body to react and with us parkis that means the symptoms
get to be a problem.

Most of us get worse at about the same  rate --Year in year out.
if we are lucky we start at a slow rate
and continue slowly.

I need a bigger dose about once a year -- and
that has been the case for16 years. It is quite unusual to change the
Is it time for your increase?

Have you changed your diet, your exercise routine, your coffee/tea drinking.?
Have you a cold   or the flu or whatever.?
If you are married was it "for better or worse but NOT for lunch"

To end on a really cheerful note --- just about everything can make P
symptoms  worse.

Anne  Rutherford (62 dx 1980)