

Hi, gang.

What? Someone accused Barb of being "docile"? <GROAN>

Maybe "fossil," <GRIN> but certainly not docile.


Thanks for your enthusiasm and offer of help on the Oprah project.

I would rather not have anyone else contact Oprah at this time. I am writing
a proposal letter now that tells our story. It also offers her "guests with
stories," where I have composed about a half-dozen three- or four-line bios
(without names) to get her interested. Here's an example:

      "Black Angel Manufacturer: A 58-year-old "retiree" from California who
recently was forced to close her successful business due to her inability to
perform the physical work required. Her company was the first to produce and
sell collectible Black angels."

(By the way, Oprah collects these Black angels.)

I am approaching this like a business proposal, assembling a package with
enclosures to help sell the idea. Oprah is the executive producer of the
show, and as far as I can determine, makes the final decisions about topics
and guests. I believe she will be more receptive to a business-like approach
rather than the mass-lobbying we are doing with the Udall Bill.

I'm afraid a flood of messages urging her to do a Parkinson program might
turn her off and make her think we are trying to con her. She's a
professional and I beleive she's respond to a professional approach.

Please let me know if you disagree. Otherwise, I'll proceed.

