

Joan, I answered previously, but you may not have recieved my reply. I
now have an alternate idea, too. The original one was to use commonly
available flexible supply lines to the faucet, and flexible plastic drain
pipe between the drain and the trap, and have the sink mounted with a
slotted bracket that could be moved up or down later, by just lifting it
and hooking it on the second set of screws. I have a more practical idea
now, why not just install two smaller sinks, next to each other, one at
wheelchair height, the other at standing height? Cabinets could be built
that would make it look attractive and you could have a cover made to
match the counter top to cover the unused sink, if desired.  Hope that helps.

Ken Becker
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On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Joan Cutchins wrote:

> On Feb. 5th Jan and Paul asked if there was any info on bidets or a brand
> that could be added to a toilet.  On the back cover of "Kitchen & Bath
> Custom Planner" the winter 1996 edition is an ad by TOTO (never heard of
> this company.  They have a model called the "Zoe washlet" that seems to be
> a combination toilet/bidet.  No idea of price.  Would guess sky high.
> Am still looking for info on the sink that can be raised for a person when
> they are able to stand and then lowered for a person in a wheelchair.
> Joan
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