

About a month ago Peter's neuro started him on Parlodel...very gradually.
We added 1/2 tablet daily each week for 6 weeks, reaching 3 whole tabs
per day, with meals. I didn't see any evidence that it was helping him,
so neuro said increase it, same method.  Veyr soon we bagan the confusion
and hallucinating--not scary things like some have reported, but three
children sitting on couch, a "bug" on the rug, a "mouse"in the towels in
closet, a"person"glimpsed out of the corner of his eye. He accepted they
were not real, and we joked about "Parlodel bugs",but I decided since there
was no visible improvement, to take him off it (neuro said OK). He has not
had any Parlodel now since 2/3--5 days ago-- and still has very mild,occasional
episodes of seeing a crumb move, etc. We wondered whether others on this
drug have experienced a sensationthat the floor is wavy, or on a slant? This
is frequent now, and he takes some convincing that all is flat and still! Is
this still a Parlodel effect, which will go away, or something to learn to live
 with?  Thankfully, he never got paranoid or had the terribly scary delusions
that some have reported here. We hope to try the newest agonist, Pramipexole,
when it becomes available this Spring.(He didn't do well on Permax either.)Comm

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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