

Greetings from Texas:

Catching up on last week's postings . . . Time for brief answers, responses
and comments.

FOR MARVIN GILES: Add my name to the growing list of members who urge you to
continue posting on the Network. Your poetry --- while at times gentle and
playful --- hits this Parkie like an iron fist in the gut. Best of all, it
comes straight from the heart. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

TO MARY RACK: (re: my accident) Sorry, Mary. I don't know the make or model
of the other car. All I know is that it was a foreign product. (maybe a

TO MARLING: (re: bathrooms for the handicapped). You suggested . . . "measure
the people first."  When? While they're standing or while they're sitting,
uhhhh . . . (as Barb might say) "doin' their business." Just curious.
Conjures up an amusing image when I think about it.

TO GEORGE LUSSIER: (re: my accident) Thanks for the vote of confidence,
although I'm not certain about the new nickname. (SLAM BAM STAN)  Is that
anything like "Slam Bam, Thank You Ma'm."?

TO GEORGE LUSSIER: (re: EMail Consultation) You're a genius, George! This is
a fabulous idea. I hope you receive enough names to start this endeavor soon.
It would be a tremendous asset to the Network. Good luck.

TO CAMILLA: Peter's experience at the hands of insensitive doctors and
hospital personel made me furious. There should be a law that allows people
treated so inhumanly by medical people to file criminal charges. I'm sorry
you and Peter had to go through that. Hope both of you are doing better. Best
wishes for a hospital-free February.

TO BARB MALLUT: A belated but richly deserved "thank you" for the shipment of
haps, fecks, and huggles. (No, folks. That's not a new brand of adult
diapers.) The fecks worked well in water, and the haps were great mixed into
a giant bowl of peppermint ice cream topped with chocolate sauce. I saved the
huggles for bedtime.
(You guys figure that one out.)

TO DON: (re: bowling and dancing)  Incredible!  You've had PD for 25 years
and you still bowl and dance. I love it!  Who cares that you can't spell.
Your messages were two of the most inspiring I've read on this Network since
I joined last October. Your statement --- "music will help you dance. i do
that too. fall a lot just get up and go on" --- is a wonderful metaphor for
us Parkies. After all, isn't that what we must do every day of our PD lives.
Just get up and go on.  Your words, Don, say volumes about your spirit,
character and fortitude. You may have already helped many people on this List
with only those two brief messages. Please, let us hear from you again.

TO DAVID BOOTS: Enjoyed your fable. Very well written and very creative.
Please post more of your creative writing. I'm certain we would all benefit
from reading it.

Bye now. Remember, keep those Emails coming on the Oprah project.

Stan Houston (54/6)
Cat Spring, Texas 78933
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