

>From Ivan in the land of lighthouses...............and snow-dappled

Dear Stan and listmembers,
    I'm sure I can speak for all of us out there in Parkieland, when I
say that we all are very,  very grateful to Stan .  He is doing so much
to try to get us on Oprah's

    I feel that the pressure that comes from the PWP's is  an essential
ingredient of the  mix.  Stan, I wouldn't worry about the idea that we
would be  trying to "con" Oprah.  We're tr;ying to be SEEN AND HEARD, and
 we need to be.

   I think the big thing here is to TRUST in one another,  and in Oprah's
staff, and to listen respectfully to the process  going on while helping
you to lead us.

   So, I think it takes a COMBINATION of letters and contacts from PWP's,
and leadership like that Stan is showing. I do not see his business-like
approach, and PWP-generated efforts as separable.  BOTH ELEMENTS can have
a positive impact on Oprah.

    Without Stan, we wouldn't be all talking about Oprah, Barbara
Walters,  60 Minutes, local newspapers and talk shows, and so forth.

    I think Stan is doing something extraordinary.

God Bless,
