

I'm new at this. My mother was diagnosed with PD last week, and I've
already received so many helpful replies to my inquiries. Thank you. I
still have more question and I have an idea I'd like to pose.

First, the question. My mother was given 25/100 Sinemet 3x/day and has
taken it for about 5 days now. She sees slight improvement in her balance
and slight increase in use of her hand. Is this enough to expect? Does the
dosage depend solely on how the patient feels the PD is being managed at
that dose? If she can get by with things the way they are, should she
postpone taking a higher dose? Or is it best to feel as good as you can,
even if that means increasing the dose?

I've been thinking about this lately. My mother is on Long Island and I
live in Mass. Thank god, right now, she functions well. And she has my
father. But I know that this may change at any time. I also know that some
home services are available when necessary.

I cannot do anything her in Mass for her. But I could offer my services to
help a loved one of someone else who lives far way from that person. In
other words, I'm proposing (perhaps it alreay exists) a type of helping
family exchange where I help your loved one and someone else helps mine,
etc. Is there anything like this??

I realize that this proposal applies primarily to caregivers. I will try to
reach that audience, too. But I thought I'd ask you guys what you think of

Again, thanks for all your knowledge and more.

Debbie White