

I was just speaking with my father, and he mentioned that his fingertips get
very sensitive to the cold now.  He also mentioned that his feet have been
becoming very sweaty and clammy for no reason.  His doctors said it was from
PD, but couldn't explain why.  Actually the cold appears to increase his
symptoms drastically.  Anyone else experience the same?

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Bent Willow
Sent:   Thursday, February 13, 1997 8:33 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: foot problem

.  Just lately he has been complaining that his dress shoes are
> not comfortable anymore and that his big toe is cold and numb.  He is
> thinking it may be Reynaud's Syndrome and I am thinking that the PD is
> speeding up.
> Maggie Salls

Your friend should check with his doctor concerning this foot problem.  If
his big toe is *cold* and numb there is a possibility that it is, indeed, a
circulatory problem.  I'm not familiar with PD acting in this fashion - but
I've seen more than a few folks with arterial spasm or occlusion who voice
that complaint.
Mary Ann