

My mother was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. I've been reading a lot on
the internet, but have three unanswered questions (well, I actually have
lots of those):

1. Is there a time frame for the course of progression, or is that an
individual thing (i.e., generally, does it take a certain amount of time to
move from one stage to another)?

2. When the doctor first made the diagnosis, Katherine Hepburn's name came
up, and the doctor said, "You won't get like that." My question is, how
does he know that? Are there different types of PD? Was that just an
irresponsible thing to say?

3.  Finally, does anyone know of any support groups on Long Island (she's
in Nassau County)? I've read that attending a group with others in your
stage is important. As far as we know, she's at the early/moderate stage
and is 67 years old.

Thanks for your help. It's helpful just reading the message on this site.

Debbie White
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