

In Vancouver we have been talking about the need to lobby for greater
support for all areas of Parkinson's research.  This resulted in the
following letter.  It was composed by the Vancouver Early Onset Support
Group in consultation with the British Columbia Parkinson's Disease
Association.  We urge all Canadians to contact your federal Member of
Parliament and the Minister of Health, David Dingwall, to lobby for support
of Parkinson's research.  You may use this letter or your own version.
Remember that April is Parkinson's month in Canada.

Dear (Member of Parliament)

As one of Canada's 100,000 people suffering with Parkinson's, I am writing
to enlist your support in pursuing some very important initiatives.

Parkinson's is a debilitating, chronic, progressive neurological disorder
caused by a reduction of dopamine in the brain.  There is no cure.  While
many helpful drug therapies have been developed to alleviate some symptoms,
there are numerous limitations and side effects associated with them.

Research in human fetal tissues holds a very strong promise for the future,
not only for Parkinson's, but also for diabetes and eye disease.  As well,
promising work is being done in the area of culturing dopamine producing
tissue.  The Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC) does not support
funding in this vital area of science.  We ask that you rally your
colleagues to promote such studies so all research has equal access to MRC

The annual cost to the Canadian government in lost revenue from people
suffering with Parkinson's coupled with increased government expenditures
for medications, support services and disability pensions is far greater in
the long run than the cost to government for scientific research to find
the cause and the cure for Parkinson's.  People with Parkinson's may
struggle up to 35 years with the disorder.

April is Parkinson's month in Canada and Parkinson World Awareness Day is
April 11th, 1997.  We urge you to recognize our needs and address these

With your assistance we can reach our goal of enhancing our lives today and
giving hope for tomorrow.  We're counting on your strong voice.

Sincerely       ,