

As of January 1, the PAN homepage is up and running.  At the moment, it can
be found at two sites: offers information about Parkinson's and the
Network, as well as advocacy materials and electronic links to
other Parkinson's related websites. is also serving as a PAN-dedicated site, and currently
contains the most features and up-to-date information.  It can be reached
directly, or through several links at the "pdaction" page.  Clicking on the
words "Link" or "Network News" on the first page, or "1997 Advocacy
Campaign" or "Network News Link" on the "New Home Page" will automatically
take you to the "sonic" page.

The Network, along with Bob Martone of Houston and Grant Doering of Santa
Rosa, will be refining and beefing up our information soon.

Our homepage is there to provide tools to assist your advocacy efforts, so
visit the site and give us your feedback!  You can now e-mail us at our new
e-mail-only address:    [log in to unmask]             We have cancelled our
America On-line
account, so please update your address book today.

Online Network for

Several computer-savvy activists have begun setting up an e-mail network for
rapid communication among the on-line Parkinson's community.

The goal is to have one contact person in each support group and every
Congressional district to distribute updated information and coordinate
advocacy efforts in their area.

We urge anyone interested in becoming involved with this effort to e-mail
the Network at    [log in to unmask]    with your name, e-mail and mailing
telephone number and name of support group if applicable.