

Bob Dyer:
Where you on any other drugs when you took the low dose (what exactly) of
Eldepryl.  Were you eating lots of cheese, pickles, red wine or pickled
meats or fish? at the time.  How did the doctors treat you to bring your BP
Did you report this incidence to the Adverse Drug Reactions Committee (or
its equivalent in your part of the world)?  It is important that these
unusual drug reactions do get reported.  perhaps someone call tell us the
procedure in the US.
Joy Graham

>>Will Johnston  stated that Elephryl lowers blood pressure.  I believe you
>>will find the opposite is the case.
>>I took a very low dose for six days and by pressure went from a norm of
>>110/60 to 189/154 and I had a life threatining nose bleed for hours.
>>Bob Dyer ([log in to unmask])
>There are exceptions to almost every rule.  I have been troubled by high
>blood pressure for years, but in recent years that problem has decreased as
>the problems of Parkinson's increase.  Sinemet and Eldepryl TEND to reduce
>blood pressure in MOST patients on Sinemet and Eldepryl.
>Just like everyone else, we are all different!
>And here's to long "ons" and short "offs"
>                SALISBURY, MD 21804-2716
>                410-543-0110
>Pres A.P.D.A.  DelMarVa Chapter