

Hello Everyone,
I have been reading with great interest the messages concerned with stress
and PD.  I have long believed that a relationship exists between the two.
I worked in a very high stress occupation, in constant contact with the
public, for 13 years.  A short while before starting that job my first
marriage ended.  During that time (in the high stress job) I was also under
a great deal of additional stress from other personal problems and to make
matters worse I had problems with my immediate supervisor (too difficult to
explain here.)  I resigned from my job 8 and a half years after noticing the
very first sign of symptoms.  I returned to work as a temporary after a
break of 3 years and only lasted 9 months before I had to pull the plug
permanently.  I had reached the stage where not only could the clients not
read my handwriting, I was having difficulty reading it myself!
I believe that in my particular case, there is a direct link between stress
and the severity of my symptoms and I have long believed that there is a
link between stress and the MANIFESTATION of the disease; I don't know
whether there is any link between stress and the CAUSE of the disease.
Having said that, I can remember even as a child being particularly prone to
cramps in my feet and I had the most disgusting handwriting imaginable.  I
often wonder if that is related to PD or if I just got cramps and had lousy
I take great pains to avoid stressful situations and have found that this
has helped keep my symptoms to a manageable level.  I used to be a
compulsive worrier but after several years of training myself not to worry
so much, I have become much better (and happier.)

Stay happy

Sylvia Gartland

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