

I posted a note already but have heard nothing, so though I would reword it.
My mother who has had Parkinsons for 10 yrs. complains of vision problems
and is concerned how much of it might have to do with the PD. She did have
cataract surgery in one eye, but there seems doubt as to whether it held
its success.
She mentions "not being able to see well--says that things she looks at
with her left eye (the one with the cataract operation) seem diagonally
distorted and that her right eye is blurry.  Of course the right eye still
has a cataract
carrying lens in it. Anyway she also reports that these conditions seem
related to the PD.  They change with her condition and she feels muscular
"pulling" around her eyes..."
She is getting ready to start all over with an eye exam but wonders if
others have had problems seeing; I think she wants to feel prepared for
discussing it with an eye doctor also.
Thanks in advance if anyone has any insights here!

debbie, long dist cg for Kay 72/10
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