

Hello  from Maine!!

A NEWS FLASH TO SET YOUR SPINE A'TINGLIN'..........5:30 PM Tues. Feb. 18,
1997..........YES!! YES!!..............

              <<<<ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FOR ALL OF US>>>>

     My  Maine State Senator, Joel Abromsom (Rep.-Portland), JUST called
me from the Capitol in  Augusta to tell me that Terry in Governor Angus
King's Press Office , moments earlier, told him that  Gov.  Angus King's
office  made the COMMITMENT this afternoon to join the Governors of
Maryland and VIrginia, and our PWP friends in  Denmark, Canada  and
Holland, in recognizing, with a Proclamation, BOTH PARKINSON's AWARENESS

I just HAD to get the NEWS out to you as it is too EXCITING to hold

Senator Abromson is also going to sponsor a JOINT RESOLUTION so that the
Senators and Representatives can join Governor King.

The most moving moment , for me, was when I called  the Senate Office
about a half-hour before Sen. Abromson's call to me, and the Senate
Calendar Clerk,, Joan(pronounced "jo - anne") Atwood, whom I knew years
ago, said to me over the speakerphone (I was in an "off-period" and could
not hold up a phone, but my voice was strong,

      "Ivan, God cursed you with Parkinson's so that others can be

    I am just overwhelmed....................

Good luck to others  who may wish to try to get their governmental
officials to join in>

God Bless,

Ivan Suzman
47/10   Portland, Maine
land of lighthouses..............balmy and spring-like
....................40 deg. F.