

From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      : Happy Valentine's Day
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>

A special valentine's greeting for a special friend:--

When I'm tired and aching
I think of your  smile,
And how you turn a choking spell
Into a  giggle.

I think of walks along the creek
to pick Artemesia and Sumac.

And how you feel guilty
When you wander off the path,
Though I would never charge you
With any crime.

Thinking about you makes me rest
More easily
In a turbulent time of decisions
That  come haltingly,
in an uncertain season.

Thinking about  you brings
A glow
That soothes my agitation,
And looks forward to more full-body hugs.

I love you, Tom
Wherever on Earth and in Heaven you roam
I wait for you with open arms
And kindled heart.

Happy Valentine's Day 1997

Yours always,


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