

Don-- I assume you are asking to join the CARE list? Is that right?
As it is especially for those caring for  PWPs, it might not be very
helpful in dealing with someone who had a bad heart attack...I was
really sorry to hear of your wife's illness--hard for her and for you too, as
 you now have to be both patient and CG!  I don't know where you live,
but there should be resources to help you with her care. If her doc doesn't
know where to refer you, ask the social service/aftercare dept. at the
hospital where she was treated for the heart attack.  You will need help on
the spot, even if you join CARE. There must be resources, and some that
charge on a sliding scale fee system, if that's a problem. If you need
further ideas where to get help, look in the yellow pages of the phone book
under "social services" for a senior center,a Family Service agency, etc.
which could help steer you to assistance for her (and you,as her CG). I
think on-the-spot help may be what you need right now--what do you think?
There should be special help for heart attack patients!
CARE would be an additional resource. It's really rough when you have to
be MUTUAL CGs for each other! Please let me know what you are able to find out.
