

My dad was diagnosed with PD in' 87.  Managable with sinemet and permax until
fall of '96.  Then began periods of confusion...rare, but of concern.  Dec.
of '96 the problems heightened and now he has daily halucinations and night
dreams to the point that he is having trouble differentiating bet. reality
and the halucinations.  Is there help?  Dr. has taken away permax, put him on
a pill to increase his B/P and gave him Flurazepam for sleep.  All worked
well for 6 days.  Now the halucinations are returning and experiencing much
freezing doubt due to the fact that flurazepam can reduce the
effectiveness of the sinemet.  We are all so distraught.  Is there help for
my father?  Are the halucinations the result of PD medication build up or is
this part of the progression of the disease for which there is no help?  Judy
Ehler ([log in to unmask])