

From: Elizabeth Southwood <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Cold season /cough meds
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>


The cough medicine he prescribed for me is "hydrocodone compound syrup" (for
Hycodan syrup) may cause drowsiness, says not to drive or use dangerous
machinery, can't use alcohol.  1-2 tsp orally every 4-6 hours.  I used it
maybe 6 times, 2 tsp. the first couple of times, then 1 tsp. in a.m. and p.m.
on the last of the 3 days I used it.   I do take 2 eldepryls a day plus 1
25/100 sinemet.  I did not have a bad reaction.  I am very sensitive to
medicine generally and avoid it as much as possible.  When I questioned him
about its safety, he said he has a lot of patients with Parkinson's and has
prescribed it to them without any problems.  I did not check any further,
felt more reassured except that I am so sensitive, but I
decided to try it.  It did make me sleepy, and it did help!!  Best, Liz S/