

A couple of funny true stories about Sinemet and nausea (if we can joke
about things that make us sick!)
1) A visiting Neurologist confessed to an assembled group of PWP's and
Medical Practitioners that he had heard so many PWP's complaining about
Nausea that he thought he would see what all the fuss was about.   He took a
dose of Sinemet and learned first-hand, the meaning of nausea. (He seemed
awfully human to me after that confession.)  He said he regarded their
complaints far more seriously after that little experiment!
2) My husband was very hungover and had a date to play a Jazz gig that same
afternoon.  The repertoire included some very tricky tunes and he didn't
really feel competent. (Atitch green around the gills and feeling a bit
shakey.)  He spied my Sinemet M and decided that if it improved my
co-ordination and stopped me from shaking it would probably do the same for
him. WRONG!!!
Result:-  He played one very difficult Jazz gig with a terrible hangover AND
terrible nausea.   Oh the trials of life!

Stay happy
Sylvia Gartland
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