


You're right. The six examples I included in the letter were all generally

(NOTE: I added a sixth just before I left the house for the post office.
Couldn't resist. Email arrived as I was putting the package together.
73-year-old woman who had fought PD for 50 YEARS!  First symptoms, 1946 at
age 23. Next thirty years were "hellish" in her words, but she managed to
raise a family. In early 1970s, she participated in testing for Sinemet.
SInce then she has become a painter (sold some), a poet (a book of her poems
to be published soon) and has earned a college degree.)

I had no "tragic" examples to cite. But in the last 24 hours since I mailed
the proposal I have received a couple of  those stories. If anyone else has
an interesting story to tell --- whether upbeat or tragic --- please emial
them to me this weekend. I have no idea when the Oprah staff will respond,
but I want to be ready.
