

Bonnie J. Rupert wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am new to the list.  I am 55 yrs. old and have been diagnosed almost 3
> years with PD. I have gained at least 60 lbs since diagnosis.I had read
> that most people lose weight and I yelled YIPPEE, at least there is
> something good for me in this whole process.  Has anyone else with PD experienced
> weight gain?
> Bonnie Rupert
> Upstate, New York

Hi Bonnie

I am in the same boat with you on the weight gain.  I am 43 and was
diagnosed 3 years ago with PD.  It cost me my career in the Marine Corps
of 24 years.  I mentioned the Marines so you can tell the kind of
activity that I was use too.  Unfortunately I am no longer able to be
very active.  In the past 3 years I have gained 75 pounds.  I have had
to adjust my eating habits but am still not having any luck with weight
  Again like you I am not only on PD medication but antidepressants
medication's also.
  I contend that the inactivity and the antidepressants are the cause of
my weight gain.  Unfortunately there isn't any thing I can do about it.

If you come up with any ideas let me know

Lost in a small village in Arkansas