

Judy, my father in law  has had bouts with hallucinations with Sinement and
with Permax.  He is very sensitive to medication, he now takes only .05mg 3x
aday of Permax now,  when there is some stress or change in a routine he
starts hallucinating, he had a bad cold for 6 days and the wild dreams and
hallucination were wild and rampant.  Many told us he was over medicated but
Permax is all he is taking, it is very strong but his dr. is amazed at how
well he responds to low doses.  When he got over the cold and back to the
normal routine the hallucinations and wild dreams decreased.  His Dr said
dementia from the disease, the aging mind and the meds all contribute to the
hallucinations and wild dreams.  We have gotten used to them.  Joe is only
71, diagnosed 4 yrs ago.  He lives with us and we do all the tough stuff for
him.  Routine is very important.  Hope this helps some, Norma