


Finally! Someone else who found the balloon payment attached to PD.  I've
been diagnosed for almost two years now.  But, I started porking up long
before that.  I used to to enjoy swimming but stopped because I kept
cramping up.  Nordic tracking is painful on already sore muscles.  My only
exercise is dodging my wife who thinks everything is curable by exercise.

I attribute my 40lbs to lack of exercise, extreme stress at work and the
fact that I eat when I get depressed.  Everytime I hear of about people
losing weight with PD, it is blamed on the calories used to fuel the
tremors.  My tremors are minor.  Another interesting observation:  I have
been taking Lipoic Acid as an anti-oxidant.  My healthy nephew decided to
try it for general health and complained that it increased his appetite.
Weight gain might be attibutable to medication.

Maybe if we stopped emailing and started hand delivering these messages we
could lose some weight.

                        Ron Reiner

Bonnie wrote:
>It, needless to say, is like a 'slap in the face'.  I had always been a
>very physical person, extremely active.  I am addressing the weight issue
>(as best I can) but my NEW PUDGE is very disturbing and not just
>aesthetically but health wise.  Has anyone else with PD experienced
>weight gain?
>Bonnie Rupert
>Upstate, New York