

>RE: Cognex and PD--I
>asked the widow of a man in our support group re: their
>experience. He was Dxd first with AD, then with PD. She said he
>was on Cognex for 2 years and toward the end of his life the
>dementia was so much the worse problem that she paid less
>attention to the PD. However, upon reflection, she feels that
>Cognex did modify his tremor and rigidity somewhat. She cautions
>that it requires careful monitoring of the effect on the liver,
>and not all people can tolerate it. Just another view, FWIW.
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio

    My father's doctor mentioned a new drug, Arisept (?)
which is something like Cognex, but minus the liver
toxicity. I will look it up on Alta Vista, and see what
information is available.
