

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997, E. Jack Savely wrote:

>         You don't mention the dosages given your mother.

Jack - they started her on Sinemet CR 25-100 one tab every 12 hours
       Also cogentin 0.5 mg every 12 hours (she was previously on 1.25 mg
       every 12 hours)
>         Depending on the dosage and your mother's condition
>         you may be seeing dyskensia. Usually all unusual
>         activity will cease when the patient sleeps. There
>         may be some occasional leg movement if the patient
>         tends to have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS).

My mother was diagnosed with Tardive Dyskenisia July 1996.  The doctor
thinks she may well have Parkinson from a drug reaction, and started the
present drugs last Wed. evening.  He called on Fri. and told me to start
double the dosage (2 tabs every 12 hours today).  He is using this to
diagnose - family practice doctor.

>         I'm not a physician but with 20 years as a caregiver
>         for my wife (58 years of age) we have been through most
>         of the ropes.  I will relay some of the information we
>         have accummulated over the years if it will be of help
>         to you.
Please. address is [log in to unmask]

Thanks (I was beginning to think I was going crazy!)
