

On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Brian Collins wrote:
> >
> >
> Hello Sue,  These can be rather scary days when you begin to see some of
> the effects that can occur if you get the tablet dosages wrong. I'm sure
> we can sort out something better though.
OK, I need help this morning.  I'm sitting here with a bottle of Sinemet
CR 25-100, and a bottle of Cogentin.  The doctor isn't on call this
weekend.  His replacement said to go back to the origional dose until
tomorrw when I can contact the doctor who doesn't know what he's doing!
What do I do now.  Mom is still very warm and has the dyskensia movements
but no where near as pronounced as yesterday.  Very possibly from the
cogentin being lowered.  She's used the Sinemet since Wed. evening.  What
do I do until I get another doctor?  I have about 19 tabs. - no chance of
the doctor giving me more if I don't follow his directions.

Brian - the doctor is trying to lower the cogentin which was ordered at 10
times the desired dose by yet another doctor while my mother was in the
hospital last July!  Honest!  I had her down to 2.5 mg per day, but
couldn't get any lower.  (It was ordered at 5.0 mg./ day in hospital and
given for many days by them - Mom came home with all kinds of side effects
never noticed by the staff!)  Last Wed it was lowered to 1.0 mg / day.  I
don't know what is causing what!

Please help - you know the meds and I don't.

Thanks much

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