

To the cast and crew of "Parkies Do Oprah, Make-Movie-with-Spielberg,
Get-Pulitzer-AND-Noble-Prizes, and MORE"

You are all SO much fun!!  I logged on a bit ago after the second of 2
near-sleepless nites (work stuff rattling 'round in my brain all nite!), with
a headache and feeling kinda bitchy (and ohhhhh it feels SOOO good to be a
bitch every once in a while!) <giggle>, and there in my new email were all
your hysterically funny responses to my post!!

I read one after another of your utterly wacky responses, sitting here in my
wee office while cozyiing up to a cuppa hot tea, and have been simply dying

You're all .... and EACH... such good sports to play with me here online!!
<smile> (And to face the wrath of  certain unnamed list members who don't
approve of "playing" in such a deadly serious venue as our PD List) <virtually
taking a poking at 'em> (and PLEASE let me get away with that "poke," y'guys,
'cause it fits in SO well with my bitchy mood!) <wee smirk>

I just adore the wonderfully unique minds that inhabit this particular small
corner of Cyberspace.  And when it comes to a sense of whimsy, well, there
ain't no one any better anywhere in the ether than THIS buncha people right

And HEY.... know what?  I feel GREAT now!  No headache, not tired (that'll
catch up with me tho), and not even all that bitchy any longer! (DARN!!  And I
was JUST getting into that role, too!) <grinning>

Ohhhhh.. and Ernie.... it's OK not to dress up when ya eat breakfast.  Heck...
I understand that even Queen Elizabeth has been known to come to breakfast in
her chenille bathrobe, with her fuzzy slippers, her hair in curlers, and
a purse tucked over her arm!

Barb Mallut
"LilHoney" on the PD Chat
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