

Hi Jean,

Welcome to the list.  You wrote in part:

>I was just wondering if anyone else takes one tablet of Sinemet CR 25/100
> times a day and if they also get kind of wild toward the end of the
> hours.  It doesn't necessarily happen only at the end, but often it does.

        If by 'get kind of wild' you mean the onset of uncontrolled twitching
and writhing movements then what you are experiencing is dyskinesia.
results from too high a dose of Sinemet. That is to say it is a side affect
of the drug,
not a symptom of the disease.

        You do not say how long you have been diagnosed, or how long you
have been taking Sinemet.  This infomation can often help when suggesting a
solution.  As a general rule, however, it is a good idea to keep medication
as low as is practical.  I would suggest describing the dyskinesia to your
(clearly indicating to him/her the timing of the attacks ) and discuss
your dose.  There appears to be a large element of "end of dose" dyskinesia
in the pattern you describe.  This occurs, for reasons not yet clear, just
each dose runs out.  Your doctor may decide to adjust the interlude beween
doses in order to smooth out your levadopa levels.  Other stratagies include
controled release sinemet (Sinemet CR) and liquid Sinemet, both of which
work on the little and often principle.

Good luck,


Dennis Greene 47/10
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