

Hi Sue.

I have to agree with others who've posted.  Parkinson's in not the
same for everyone.  And Dyskinesia due to overmedication can be
agonizing to deal with.  Are you comfortable posting what state
(country) you are in?  We are all over the place.  Maybe someone
can recommend a PD specialist nearby.  I'm not saying you should
leave your doctor, only you and your mom can make that decision.
But maybe the listmembers could help you find a PD specialist
nearby so that you at least have the option.


>Date:          Wed, 19 Feb 1997 12:00:16 -0500
>From:  Sue Shilinskas <[log in to unmask]>
[Text snippsed]
>Subject:       New med schedule
>Hi -
>The doctor just changed my mother's med schedule and I wanted to
run it by
>you all before I actually started it.
>My mother is having a difficult time swallowing the first Sinemet
CR tab
>in the morning, so the doctor is ordering a short acting Sinemet
to be
>given one hour before the Sinemet CR (I don't know the dosage
yet).  That
>makes sense - but he is also ordering the regular sinemet one hour
>all doses of Sinemet CR throughout the day - is this right?
>He is also refusing a referal to a neurological center because
>"Parkinson's is Parkinson's".  I know that this is wrong, and I
feel my
>mother needs to be evaluated and diagnosed properly.  Is there any
way I
>can teach the doctor, or do I need to look for a new doctor again?
>Thanks much to all of you -
>Sue  cg for Kathryn 85/1 week
>[log in to unmask]