

Hi Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote
>NOW you're talking, Jeremy!   A Scotsman in full regalia?  BE STILL MY
>HEART!!!  <grin>  Unfortunately, most men  - even Scots - living in Southern
>California don't go 'round dressed like THAT (Our loss, I'm sure!).

WIMPS - the lot of them !!!


>You haven't LIVED till you've seen a Scotsman dressed in his finest.
>There is NO clothing to beat a dress kilt, a swinging sporran, highly
>polished shoes, ribbed socks with the skhean dhu tuckedinto their tops,
>and a fine cambric shirt above, topped with a plaid for warmth.


Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160