

i have been reading as much as i can this list & did a lot for udall bill
last year & was excited to do my part this year
in ca we also wear a silver ribbon for pd & was hoping the whole community
could find some symbol in common and maybe some very visual spokes person

iwas diagnosed a nov 96, am 51, had just completed myn ca teach credential in
have tried to keep very positive attitude doing things i wanted to do all my
life ( spend a week w/ friend etc)
everything has been progressing very quickly so i have feared it may be other
than parkinsons

yesterday my doctor said the devestating news-since the meds don't seem to be
working -it may be atypical- i haven't cried yet- i had such hopes for the
new meds coming out and new  research but i don't think there is much
research going on atypical, there is one woman in our support group who has
it and she was not given long to live

i guess i just wanted to tell my story somewhere and to some one
i am trying to stay calm for family

i have a very supportive husband and two great ciollege age kids

would really appreciate some up lifting or otherwise comments on my situation

I have been trying to live by
god grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change
the courage to change the things i can
and the wisdom to know the difference

in need of some support
judith([log in to unmask])