

Camilla wrote:
>Peter has seborrheic dermatitis, especially on the scalp. It is also a
>problem around the face, and causes blepharitis (inflammation of the
>eyelids). You don't have to have PD to get it, but it does go with that
>condition . Peter has to scrub his eyelids very carefully (as directed by
>his ophthalmologist) daily, and this keeps it under control. Just another
>little "PD bonus"--did we need another one?  ;-)
My mother has the same, on her scalp and around the eyes and nose. She uses a
cortisone cream to keep it in check. She had it on her scalp for years, but I
don't think that it is a precursor to PD.
Lena Holmes  parttime caregiver for Ilmi 74/2
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
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