

>From:    Wanda Banks <[log in to unmask]>

>My sister agreed to a trial on Sinemet CR25/100 twice a day for two
>weeks to serve as a trial to see if her handwriting would improve and >to
>confirm that she really has PD.

>Her doctor said to take the Sinemet CR25/100 with meals for 2 days >and
>if not nauseated on Sat. or Sun., then take Sinemet 1/2 hour before
>meals from then on and return in 2 weeks to eval.

>She took the first dose at 9am with a big breakfast and by 11:30am she
>was very nauseated and by lunchtime today she was too nauseated to even
>eat lunch...Question..Should she stop Sinemet for the weekend and call
Dr. on Mon. or should she stick it out & take Sinemet no matter how sick
it makes her? Does the nausea wear off after awhile? Are there tricks to
decrease the nausea? Now she's concerned that she'll be someone that
>won't be able to tolerate Sinemet in the future.

>Thanks, prompt advice would be appreciated.

>Gail Vass      [log in to unmask]

At the risk of repeating myself here is my 10cent speech on
Sinemet and nausea. You shouldn't listen to anything I say since
I have this problem but am not a doctor. It's always better to trust
the advise of a professional with no direct experience. (The last
two sentences inserted at the insistance of my lawyer).

Many of us have problems with nausea, especially at first. Here are
some suggestions:

1. She could stop taking the Sinemet with no ill effect until she
   can meet with her doc.

2. Try taking the Sinimet with orange juice and a couple of crackers.
   (The protein in a big meal blocks the Sinemet from working)

3.  Some members of this list report success with ginger.

4.  Sinemet is levadopa and carbidopa. The carbidopa helps the
     levadopa make it to the brain without breaking down. Her doc
    can provide supplemental carbidopa.

5.  Some people get over the nausea after a while.

6.  If she has good insurance or deep pockets she may want to take
    an anti-nausea med with the Sinemet. Most of them aggravate
    the PD symptoms, but Zofran doesn't. Without insurance it's
    about 20 dollars a pill!!!!!!!! My co-pay is 10 bucks a month.
    I highly recommend this drug.

Best of luck.

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