

David -- Many years ago all we PD'ers had was a chat area on Prodigy.
Back then the participation was almost nul, so I spent many hours
telling stories and creating weird characters, all somewhat associated
with PD. I was called down and told to stop because PD was serious and
there was no room for laughter.
   When Barb finally created the PD group here on the internet I still
posted stories, but tried to stick more to the subject at hand. I made a
lot of close friends and created some enemies. Those enemies made me
stop and I very seldom post to the group anymore.
   I did something better--- I created my own Website (see below).
   Have you thought about doing your own place, then letting folks who
enjoy your humor (and I'm very much one of those) know where they can
find it?
   I'm sorry for the loss of your input. It will be missed.
Visit my WebSite!
Where the Cowboy Rides Away....
Stories, poems and the ongoing adventures of the Dumpster Gang.