

D.Lane wrote:
> I was totally blown away reading a brochure about this and it refered to
> Parkinson's Disease.  I asked the PD MD and he said yes almost everyone that
> has PD has Seborea dermatitis.  Does everyone on the list have it?  My dad
> has PD and  has had it as long as I can remember.  I also have it but not
> PD.  Please everyone discuss if they do or do not have it and if so how long
> have they had it ie. several years before PD onset or after PD onset.  I
> find this very interesting and have never seen this discussed on the list.
> Thank you for responses. Deeann

My dad, 73 who has PD does also have seborrhea dermatitis.  I did not
realize it was so common w/PD.
Gail B. Post, RN,MS,CSN
Maryknoll Schools
Honolulu, HI 96822